Grace Notes — a thankfulness blog

Faith, Thankfulness

The Complete Love Relationship

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Think of the last time you were new to a group or situation; it can be very awkward, can’t it?  Or, think of a time you desired a relationship to the opposite sex or a friendship with anyone, and your feelings were not returned.  It hurts.  To feel a part of a group or establish any type of relationship, both sides must open up and communicate.  That is how we can feel intimate with God.

In the book “Experiencing God”1, author Henry Blackaby devotes a chapter to how God pursues a love relationship with us.  There is one portion that pinches at my heart; yes, that is exactly how it feels.  Pastor Blackaby describes an encounter he had with one of his parishioners who was always having problems in his life; with work, family, etc. (wow, does that sound like me!)  When asked “Can you describe your relationship with God by sincerely saying, ‘I love You with all of my heart?’ “  This man couldn’t answer in the affirmative.  Even before opening the book and encountering this section this morning, God revealed to me the other day that it was essential I pursue this relationship with Him, and it came to me “Is this why these things are always happening to me?”  (I also need to develop more trust, but that is a topic to discuss at another time.)

I do love God, I have no doubt about that.  But do I love Him with all of my heart?  Do I pursue an intimate relationship with Him?  In conversing with God, I sometimes rush through prayer or put little thought of what I’m saying into that sacred time.  Sometimes when I read the Bible in the morning I allow distractions to take my thoughts elsewhere.  I find that when I put aside all distractions during reading, and when I first take a few moments of stilling my mind into concentration, my time with God feels more personal – more intimate and special.  I am closer to Him.

The sunshine seems brighter right now; colors seem more vivid.

A few of the things I’m thankful for today:

  1. God reveals Himself to me each day.
  2. God provides encouragement.
  3. The Bible covers ALL topics.
  4. I am glad for my sensitivity to all forms of life.
  5. The greeters at church; I look forward to seeing their familiar smiling faces, and they care about me.
  6. I got some produce at a food bank yesterday.
  7. Iced tea
  8. Experimenting in my garden
  9. Burt’s Bees lip gloss
  10. Texture and patterns in leaves and branches.
  11. Variety in nature
  12. I have a skill for writing.
  13. I finally have a date for my appeal on receiving unemployment insurance. Whichever way it goes, I know God will provide.
  14. My dwarf sunflowers are blooming

Have a great day everyone!

(1)  Henry Blackaby, Claude King. Experiencing God. Nashville, TN: Broadman and Holman, 1994.

Author: Gail Ballard

I'm a 63-year young Christian excited about sharing the word of God through this thankfulness blog. I love nature, gardening, photography, and creating through crafts and cross stitch.

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