Grace Notes — a thankfulness blog

Faith, Thankfulness

A Gentle Lightening Bolt

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July 7 2015 lightning over San Diego

Lightning over San Diego

A Gentle Lightening Bolt

Have you ever wondered “Where did that come from?” in regards to the shift of conversation topics?  Or how a random thought came into your mind?  In my opinion, some of these come as a gentle lightning bolt from God.

For some time now – I can’t say how long exactly – I have felt a stronger sense of urgency in witnessing for God – my lightning bolt.  The world seems to be decaying at a stronger pace, and it greatly troubles my heart to see people I care about at risk for not returning to Him.  This came up again this past Sunday morning upon seeing a post in Facebook about Seattle’s plans for an edible forest garden.  I thought, “Wow, why doesn’t San Diego do something like that?  I need to petition government officials to do this” (another lightning bolt).  That thought somehow morphed into ways to spread the truth of God’s love – see what I mean?*  How weird was that?  It’s funny how an original thought changes into something else.

Some of us have a fear of speaking up, but we must.  And we must seek ways to spread His love and redemption beyond our verbal proclamations.  But how might we do that?  Here are a couple of my ideas:

  • Does your local library system accept donations from the public? Purchase and donate  inspirational dvds and books, such as “Amazing Grace.”  The pastor of my church, Dr. David Jeremiah, has written numerous wonderful books, and would make excellent literary donations.  I am requesting the San Diego County Library purchase the dvd(s) for “A.D. – The Bible Continues” when it becomes available.
  • Other books and dvds that have good moral fiber should also take more space within our personal libraries. Share them with friends and family.
  • Does your church have any community outreach programs? Donate your time, and/or encourage the start of one for a cause that God has put within your heart.

What ideas do you have?  Please put them here; I’m just getting started on this list and would value your comments here.

Some of the things I’m thankful for this week:

  1. God’s inspiration for taking action on witnessing and for helping my community.
  2. The 4th of July parade and potluck I was invited to in Coronado.
  3. Desiree has been put on strict bedrest to encourage her triplets to stay in the oven a bit longer, but everyone continues to do well.
  4. The ultrasound picture of one of the boys; the biggest grin on his face!
  5. God’s enduring love and patience with me.
  6. “John Adams” – a great dvd series put on by HBO. I got the set from the library.  Inspirational look at U.S. history.
  7. Sunday started out overcast and cool; very welcome before a hot and humid day.
  8. My housemate’s son brought his dog Foxy to be dog-sat for a couple days. What a sweet and loving girl!
  9. The food ministry at church; it will help me.
  10. Gas prices are going down.
  11. God’s inspiration for taking action
  12. One-hundred ten people were reached by my Facebook (“The Wildlife Gardener”) sharing of an article of Seattle installing a food forest. .
  13. Feeling depressed this morning; was cheered by posts I saw in Facebook.
  14. My friend Nick came over last night and we watched a movie then a little of “Shark Week.”

Have a blessed week everyone!  And don’t forget – I would greatly value your comments about your ways of sharing the Good News.

Author: Gail Ballard

I'm a 63-year young Christian excited about sharing the word of God through this thankfulness blog. I love nature, gardening, photography, and creating through crafts and cross stitch.

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